Story of a Gladiator (2019) | Game Review

2D side-scrolling brawlers can be fun. There are certainly some I’ve found easier and more enjoyable than others, but I’m usually open to giving the genre a chance as I’ve not experienced any games that have really put me off. With that in mind, I’m happy to report that I REALLY enjoyed my time with Story of a Gladiator– so here’s a little Game Review.

There is a narrative thread to Story of a Gladiator– it’s the classic work your way up through the ranks in the coliseum to become the ultimate gladiator and (I think) get some revenge on those who wronged you. This is played out through short scenes that unlock after each area is completed and the boss there is defeated. It’s a nice little addition to the game, but don’t worry if you don’t focus on it- the fighting is where you’ll be putting your attention.

Stabby, stab.

As your journey begins you chose one of three characters (it’s mainly an aesthetic choice, though I may be misremembering if there are slight stat differences) and then it’s off to the races, or rather- off to the arena. There’s three to fight your way through, each with a dedicated boss at the end. Once you’ve dealt with them, it’s time to claim your title as top dog. Each boss is a fair bit tougher than enemies but keep calm and level up, this is the way. 

Enemies themselves start off as humble cannon fodder, but as the levels advance, so too do they. By the end you’ll be fighting fully decked-out Roman soldiers, and animals too. However, it doesn’t matter how many claws one may have, enough strikes will see them fall beneath your blade. Or trident. Or fists of steel.

By earning up to three stars a level, dependent on your remaining health upon finishing, you can unlock new skills and passive abilities, both of which can come in handy. I’m not going to individually list them, but there are kicking skills, hand to hand skills, athletic skills, and of course- DECAPITATION. I think of these noted, you can probably sense which was my favourite. If you can’t, well then, it’s off with your head.


Not only can you level yourself up, weapons and armour can be upgraded too through the money you earn each fight. This means you’ll be armed to the teeth if you simply kill enough fools that stand before you. Oh, you can also hire pets too (there’s three to choose from, each with a different ability) and equip buffs before you enter the arena that boost health, damage, etc. All in all, it’s a tidy package that was paced well and I felt a constant sense of progression. I also loved having a pet tiger. 

That’s it for this Game Review of Story of a Gladiator. Short and sweet, just like the lives of those I cut down in the arena. Ok, maybe they weren’t sweet, but they sure were short. Especially with no legs.

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